New York, Jan. 5, 2011 –British Airways announced that Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc., (TMVi), has been selected as a 2011 Face-of-Opportunity winner and has been awarded travel to anywhere in the world to conduct vital business meetings as well as attend exclusive business conferences. This award also provides June Klein, CEO with critical tools and contacts to further build her business relationships abroad and stimulate growth through the power of face-to-face interaction.
“We are thrilled to be chosen by British Airways as a Face-of-Opportunity winner,” said June Klein, CEO. “These flights will give us the chance to collaborate further with our research partner Oxford Internet Institute, brainstorm on blended value business models with Oxford SAID scholars, discuss the TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal with the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s office, and create a CEO consortium to catapult the economy and job solutions integrated through our TikiWiki collaborative network site.”
Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc. is a New York City based venture developer and management consultancy. TMVi formulates and executes strategies that change competitive landscapes. Through their Electronic-Boardroom TMVi® Brand, they have changed global processes for electronic governance, trading, exchanges, inheritance and lifestyles. TMVi’s current focus is on electronic media, government and experts.
TMVi’s integrated solution for the economy starts with communications that drive accountability, known as Fifth Estate This is enhanced with a distributed public expertise site focused on solving government problems Untapped private capital will flow to small businesses to fund capital investments which leads to jobs, demand and production. These principles are the megatrend for the decade.
Before taking off abroad, June Klein will attend the British Airways Face-of-Opportunity conference in New York City on Feb. 2, 2011 where she will meet with top influential international business experts while networking with venture capitalists, renowned entrepreneurs, media and other business owners. Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Elect, International Airlines Group and Keith Williams, CEO, British Airways will host the London conference.
Simon Talling-Smith, Executive Vice President Americas, British Airways, will introduce the NY conference followed by keynote speeches from best-selling authors, newspaper columnists and celebrity entrepreneurs, who will provide TMVi with planning, marketing and travel tools.
This will assist TMVi in its strategy to become the integrator of tax exchange solutions evolving through a distributed public expertise site and resulting in US and UK job growth. Results require formalizing of a consortium of selected CEOs with the leadership skills to jumpstart the economy and create jobs. Watch for the press release about this leadership group in concert with government, economy and jobs.
“June Klein’s winning story is inspiring and our hope is that this award program is a powerful catalyst in ensuring lasting and fruitful business for Technology & Marketing Ventures,” said Simon Talling-Smith, Executive Vice President, British Airways.
Jacquelyn Einaugler for British Airways Text 100 Public Relations
June Klein, CEO Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc.
Email June Klein Tel:212.628.2178 Fax:212.744.2089
British Airways Face of Opportunity Contest Winner